
Friday, October 30, 2015

Welcoming the Newest Color

The Nebraska Subaru Owners Club hosts 3 big meets every year: spring, summer, and fall.  This year, for the 2015 Fall Meet, we decided to gather for a bit of a photoshoot before going out to weave our Subarus through scenic roads covered in fall foliage together.  We started lining up the Subarus by color and made 3 nice big rows with a total of 50 cars.  There was one more to add to the group, my Hyper Blue WRX STI.  Someone suggested "why not put the new color out front so the rest of the colors can give it a proper welcome?"
NSOC Fall Meet 2015

That's exactly what we did!  Satin White to Sonic Yellow.  World Rally Blue to Lightning Red.  Champagne Opal Gold to Plasma Blue Pearl.  Of the 50 cars present, there were 23 different colors represented.  To make it even better, we all stood by our cars while someone climbed atop mound of mulch to grab a photo.  

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