
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snow Hooning

On January 31st, Winter Storm Linus dropped over half a foot of underestimated snow on the Omaha area.  For most, this would mean tip-toeing around local roads or avoiding them all together.  However, for a few Subaru owners, it meant it was playtime!!  We rounded up some local enthusiasts and headed to a big empty parking lot taking turns doing cookies, donuts, and other sweet treats.

IMG_4730Aside from the fun we had, the lineup was pretty sweet!  My 2001 2.5 RS Coupe was the oldest there.  Then we had a Bugeye, Blobeye, an '08 WRX sedan, a '11 WRX Hatchback, an XV Crosstrek, a '15 WRX and a '15 STI.  All we were really missing was a Hawkeye, but we didn't have much time to track one down.  After only a few cars had managed to take to the wide open spaces, some snob in a Volvo proudly professed that she had called the local Sheriff.  We managed to squeeze in another 15 minutes in before some blue and red flashy lights threatened to arrest us all.  Tails tucked between our legs, we vacated the empty lot and split up.

It was a bit of a downer, considering that this parking lot was home to HOURS of play last winter for dozens of enthusiasts when a similar storm had passed through.  Instead of helping stranded motorists or chasing down burglars, the angry Sheriff shooed our Subarus off the lot.  Still, we managed to have a good time with everyone who was there.  We'll need to find a different place to play next time the flakes are falling!

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