
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Weekly Meet's Continue!

Glad to see that, after just over a year of hosting Weekly Meets from my Subaru dealership, they're still going strong.  Every Wednesday at 6pm, Stan Olsen Subaru in Omaha gets surrounded by the sound of that iconic boxer rumble.  WRXs, Legacies, Forester XTs, Imprezas, BRZs, we get a different mix every week... but it's always a good time.

Each week, while the meeting spot and time remain unchanged, we choose a different place to eat.  We've managed to get attached to a few places that we rotate through, but every now and then we find a new favorite to add to our list of places to visit.  Sometimes, if there's enough interest and time to do one, we even manage to do a quick cruise route on some fun roads nearby or on the way to our destination for the night.

I'm happy to see the weekly meets continue with their new home at the dealership.  Not only is it a fun way to meet new people, but it's great exposure for the dealership, the group, and Subaru.

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