All too often I meet people that own Subarus that, like a lot of other cars, are enjoyed for a short time and then they just move on to the next best thing. People tend to go through cars like they do cell phones and I think that's because they haven't experienced a connection with them beyond the steering wheel. The diverse community around Subaru grants owners plentiful opportunities to go out and experience things outside of their daily 9-5 grind, but that's only if they seek it out or even know that such a thing exists in the first place.
These days Social media has granted us the potential to connect more with those communities, but all too often, we limit that to online interactions only instead of going out and meeting these people face to face. Whatever the reason, people seldom take the plunge to go out and meet their fellow owners to go out and enjoy these cars together... and this is the key problem I see all too often. The increasingly negative tone of sarcastic comments, snide remarks, and general trolling online isn't befitting of a "community" at all, but these people wouldn't be acting like this if they actually knew their fellow owners in person. It's too easy to hide behind the anonymity of the internet that enables lofty keyboard warriors an indispensable amount of opportunity to wreak havoc however they see fit. It's a damn shame.
The internet can be a great tool to connect people, but it doesn't mean nearly as much to actually make those connections. I emplore you, if you haven't done so already, to go out and discover this community that is here waiting for you.